Monday, January 10, 2005

How Sunday Can Make or Break the Week

Here's what got done in the food department yesterday. We baked 6 loaves of bread, 48 pumpkin muffins, made 2 batches of granola and a big batch of hummus.

The muffins were divided into containers that my hubby will take to work during the week and the rest were put in a container on the table for the kids to grab for breakfast or snacks during the week. Isn't 48 muffins a lot you may be asking? No, not in a family of 6. These muffins take the place of grabbing a buttered roll at the gas station when you're running late for work. So the muffins are a double benefit, easy on the pocket book and easy on the waistline.

The granola is so much tastier, healthier and cheaper than anything you could buy in a store. The kids love it as a snack and its so much better than chips. Its really good on soy ice cream too but right now its too cold to think about that!

Homemade bread, is it a necessity to be frugal? According to the Complete Tightwad Gazette, no its not, especially if you have access to a bakery outlet. So why do I bother when I live 20 minutes from a Freihoffers Outlet? Quality and nutrition. I know what I put in and I know there are no wierd chemicals like partially hydrogenated oils and the like.

As for the hummus, my kids and hubby all love it in sandwiches, and its easy.

So here I am Monday morning, sipping coffee, blogging and not worrying about breakfasts or lunches for the week. Looks like a good week to me!

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