Monday, May 09, 2005

Reflections on Mother's Day

Some years I struggle with what to do on Mother's Day. This year the ideas just about did a dance to get my attention. I've said before one of the keys to successful gift giving is being a good listener. I was fortunate that the ideas were presented to me this past week.

My mother-in-law has been expressing an interest in getting some vegetarian recipes. Lately meat has been turning her off. We put together a gift bag with recipes, dried beans, nutritional yeast and coupons. She seemed genuinely tickled by the effort.

My mother had asked about keeping healthier snacks on hand which led to a discussion about a icebox cookies. Icebox cookies are made from a stiff cookie dough that is rolled into logs and kept either refrigerated or frozen until you are ready to slice and bake them. They are like the ones you see in the grocery store but you control the ingredients. We quadrupled the recipe and made her an assortment of Icebox cookies to keep on hand. She too seemed happy.

As for me, I was presented with a beautiful card made by all four kids and my hubby. Everyone worked together without fighting, it was the perfect gift.

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