The kids are on their last day of Easter break. It's amazing how busy things get when the kids are home. It leaves very little time for blogging. I'll try to recap the last few days.
Our second pizza night was a stunning success. We opted to top one pizza with tomato chunks and tofu ricotta. The other was topped with tomato chunks and Fake Fake (a parmesan substitute that's a mix of ground walnuts, nutritional yeast, garlic powder and seasoned salt). We seem to have gotten in the habit of serving our pizza with soup, so I made vegetable soup as well. I've taken to adding dill to my vegetable soup. It adds a buttery richness that I love.
The Easter egg and Easter bunny washcloths were a big hit, although all the adults agreed that the egg pattern was more functional since it didn't require you to split your fingers into an alien salute (was that from Star Trek or Mork and Mindy? I can't remember!!) I gave these to the kids in baskets with brightly colored soap from Clearly Natural. These brightly colored soaps made a great jelly bean looking substitute in the baskets. I guess its official, I am that wierd aunt.
I'm now focusing on my tote bag swap commitment. I've begun working on this bag. I love the way its coming out. I hope my swap partner, Sarah, likes it too!
In sadder news, we lost two guinea pigs this weekend. I'm keeping a close eye on the remainig one. She seems fine but they can be so fragile. Although the little guys are really cute, the kids can't deal with their short life spans. We're sticking to cats and dogs.
Rachel B brought this to my attention
"The "alien salute" is actually a Jewish tradition, used by the priestly class when they bless the congregation."
When I said alien salute, I was refering to the V made with your hand by moving the ring finger and pinky away from the middle finger and index finger. If you were a kid in the 70's, chances are you spent a good deal of time mastering this maneuver. I'm sorry if anyone was offended.
That purl bee bag does look fun :- ) I'm making my tote out of this awesome sheet I got used and some khaki from Russell's old pants.
Sorry about the pigs :-/ It's been a hard week for animals!
The "alien salute" is actually a Jewish tradition, used by the priestly class when they bless the congregation.
Yikes, I meant no disrespect. When I said alien salute, I was refering to the V made with your hand by moving the ring finger and pinky away from the middle finger and index finger.
I'm not offended at all! I just thought it would be a funny piece of trivia.
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