Monday, June 13, 2005

End of School Countdown

We're down to 8 days of school. 8 more days of snacks and bagged lunches. That equates to roughly 7 more days of homework, 2 more PT and 2 more OT appointments. There is talk of long days at the beach and riding bikes to the grocery store. My kids are beginning to relax and switch into summer mode. They've begun to anticipate July 6th, the day our Fresh Air Fund daughter arrives to spend two weeks with us.

Even my job is winding down for the summer. By this time next week I will have only two classes left to teach until the summer ends. I have a few writing assignments to complete over the summer but there is no time clock to punch.

There is much to do before the kids are here all day, every day. I'll be sharing my goals and accomplishments over the next few days. Today is pick up day from our food cooperative so the goal is simply to get the food home and put away without incident.

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