Saturday, May 31, 2008

Building My Log Cabin One Row at a Time

Here is the basket of yarn leftovers that I've been using in my log cabin blanket.

Here is my log cabin blanket.

If you look closely, you'll discover that there are colors mixed in some of the bands. Look at the yellow section. It starts out dark, then gets lighter and finally finishes out in white. Check out the maroon, beige, multi colored section. Or how about the section I'm currently working on, blue with two rows of multi colored in the middle.

So what's all this funky color combining about? Simple, I really want to see if I can use up all my yarn leftovers so I'm sneaking them in wherever I can. Sometimes it works perfectly, like the blue section I'm working on now. I had just enough multi colored yarn to create two rows in the center. Sometimes I screw up and badly misjudge how much yarn I have/need for a particular section, see the aforementioned yellow section.

In the end though, I like the way its coming together. Along the way something else has happened...

Somebody else is getting hooked on knitting! Rob's been on the waiting list to learn to knit at school. This past week I finally gave in to his begging and tested my knitting skills by teaching him how to knit. Now he can go to the knitting club at school because he already knows how to knit.


Ruthie said...

Rob has about the cutest smile ever. I think he's going to be a heart breaker. I mean, seriously, imagine meeting a boy with a smile like that AND who knows how to knit. He'll have to hit the girls away with a stick. ;-)

Your log cabin looks EXCELLENT. Mine is coming along but is still at kitty blanket size. I'm working on it on the trip a bit.

PS Thanks for the hint about KOA cabins awhile back. We love 'em! I'm using the WiFi now!


Laura said...

I've been reading your blog for a while. I'm usually a bit of a lurker but just wanted to say the log cabin looks great! I started one a while ago intended for my daughter's bed but gave up after a while and it became a dolly blanket. Think i might be brave and have another go.
Your blog is always interesting for me as we're also veggie and trying our best to be green - and now more frugal too.
Thanks for writing! :)

Laura, UK

Katie said...

Thanks Ruthie. Rob's already quite the girl magnet. One of the girls on his swim team makes her hands into a heart underwater and shows it to him all the time!

Thanks Laura! You can do the log cabin. I promise, if I can do it anyone can.