Tuesday, May 20, 2008

I Made Pop-Tarts - Sort Of

I guess it all comes down to this, if you hate rolling out pie crusts, why would you want to roll out dough for Pop-Tart like creations? Think of how many opportunities there would be for the dough to stick to the counter. If only I'd thought of this a few hours ago...

I confess, my attempted toaster pastries have been molded into one giant, crumbly, hand pressed toaster tart. It's baking right now. It's going to be a mess but a tasty mess. Being frugal means not throwing it out, it doesn't mean it always has to look pretty. I'm not even going to tell the kids they were supposed to be Pop-Tarts. It's just too embarassing.

So don't despair when your recipe comes out less than picture perfect. Why do you think I rarely take pictures of food? Now go cook something.

I'm in a cooking and cleaning frenzy. Much laundry to do, bread is rising, beans are cooking, pop-tart thingies are toasting away.


Ruthie said...

Yum, pop tart thingies sound delicious! :-)


Katie said...

Would you believe it actually was delicious. I even confessed to them being pop tart knock offs.

The best was when my youngest looked off into space mumbling, "pop tart..pop tart...Oh I know what a pop tart is.

The filling was a mixture of about a cup of dried figs that were covered with water and simmered for about 15 minutes and a cup of strawberry fruit spread blended together until no chunks remained. Chunks are tolerated badly around here!

Misty said...

heheh i always say my food tastes better than it looks!! i'd love to ask you a question about vegetarian breastfeeding and weightloss if you have a chance after you get back from the adirondacks! mballew13 AT yahoo DOT com