Its time for me to really start finalizing Chirstmas gift giving plans. I'm going with a knitted theme this year. (Gee, who saw that coming???) So far, I've got hats completed for 3 people (almost four actually) and matching scarves for 2 of those hats. There are also 2 scarves completed for hats yet to be made. That leaves 5 hats and 3 scarves to go. I also have to make 2 pairs of leg warmers (by request of course, having lived through the 80's once I can't imagine why you'd want to revisit that fashion faux pas!) I can do it!!
I have to confess, I am way too thrilled with my newfound ability to knit hats on circular needles. In fact, I'm just way too fond of circular needles in general. Ok, let me further confess that I enjoy knitting far more than I ever anticipated. Hi, my name is Katie and I'm a knitting addict.
Since switching to grab bag giving with my siblings, I have only one sister to shop for. We don't include our parents in this. They put up with us during the teen years, they've clearly earned a Christmas present from each of us! Nieces and nephews aren't included in the grab bag either. Each year we try to have the kids come up with a gift they make themselves to give to their aunts, uncles and granparents. I'll be brainstorming with the kids over the next few days to come up with this year's gift.
The flaw with my hat knitting addiction is the sibling I drew in the grab bag lives in Arizona! There's not much call for winter hats out there so I think I'll be making some knitted dish cloths for her. I love the Complete Tightwad Gazette so much, that I'd also love to get her a copy (Overstock has them for $14.83 with free shipping) but I'm not sure if it would offend her. I'm torn, its got so much info that would benefit her. I'd love to hear what others think about this.
BTW Isa fans, Veganomicon is selling on Overstock for $17.24 with free shipping.
One final thought for today. When I reread posts written this time last year, I am so grateful to be done with that chapter of my life. Managing the gym sucked the life out of me and affected everyone in my family. I had little free time to enjoy the holiday preparation and as a result I bought more to make up for it. This year, we have less money coming in and yet we don't feel the pinch at all because I can really devote myself to the frugal lifestyle. The best part is we are all happier because of it (even the grumpy teenagers!)
Can you ask your sister? Is she married or have a partner you could ask? I've done this with my brother. I figure it's better to ask and not be surprised than not ask. Or you could have a list of things, and this is just one of them, so she'd still be surprised.
Katie ~
My cotton ribbed hat is going to be really great for Houston, it's not warm at all, just stylish :-) It doesn't even go past my ears. I posted about it on October 2nd. It's knitted using a rather chunky yarn (looks a lot like this: with size 9 needles (in the round - I do EVERYTHING with circulars now. Did you know you can use circular needles for non-spherical knitting? PRETTY awesome.) A simple little shrug may be nice, too. Something like this?
Anyway, if you think she's picky, definitely ask. I think this may be the year I get the tightwad gazette for my sis. It's been such an inspiration to me!
I got the tg for my brother & sister in law because if anyone could use the advice, it's them. But they would rather continue to spend themselves into debt than make lifestyle changes. It's been 2 years and they never even opened it.
I'd ask first.
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