Monday, March 21, 2005

When Frugal Vegetarians Hit the Road

A while back I found these sectioned, microwaveable plates with covers at the dollar store (I recognize the hipocrisy of my shopping there but every now and again...) I have six of them, one for each of us. We used to use them for potlucks where you needed to bring your own plate and it often went home dirty. It really worked out well.

We had gotten into the habit of stopping for fast food on our trips to the Adirondacks where we spend much of the summer and a fair number of weekends in the winter. This was getting really expensive and unhealthy. The choices at truck stops are limited at best and for a family of six it really adds up.

Last summer I finally remembered the sectioned plates and began using them for these car trips. I can't begin to calculate the money we've saved and the benefits to our health. Who needs the sluggish, I need a potty feeling that fast food gives anyway?

The best part is I can splurge for a bag of chips (Kettle Krisps, baked not fried and no hydrogenated oil) and split it between everyone without breaking the bank.

I have put sandwiches, veggie burgers, leftover vegan lasagna, the possibilities are endless. If it requires utensils, my husband and I switch driving duties so each can enjoy their food without endangering the rest of us.

Sometimes simple solutions are the best.

1 comment:

Katie said...


Its so easy to spend! I'll be posting more of my favorite resources this week.