Friday, September 26, 2008

Since You Can't Play Outside in the Rain...

It's a rainy day in the Hudson Valley and it looks like its leading into a rainy weekend. Since there's no hope of doing outdoor things, it looks like we can focus on indoor projects, which range from putting laundry away and taking winter clothes out of the attic to bigger things like finishing that bathroom project we never got around to completing and ripping the nasty carpet out of our bedroom.

Jim & I like to put it all on paper so we can track our progess. It also helps us plan what to do when. Over the years we've found we generally work best together and with music in the background. We get silly but we get stuff done. I suppose that's pretty abnormal after 18 years of marriage but then again, we never claimed to be normal.

It would be hard to have both of us working in the tiny bathroom that is still a work in progress. However, if Jim works on the bathroom which is in our bedroom, I could be working on laundry or even possibly ripping up that smelly old carpet in our bedroom. (I'm partial to destruction. I love being the removal person. There is something so therapeutic about the process.)

Similarly, if I'm canning apples, Jim can be helping with the apple prep or doing one of the other zillion tasks in the kitchen living room area. It works for us. Other people I know prefer to work in solitude and that's fine too.

So if we plan to spend the weekend accomplishing things, I need to get the weekends menu organized now. This will prevent me from accidentally getting so involved in accomplishing things that I make it to 6:00pm Saturday without giving an ounce of thought to dinner. (I see you all shaking your heads in agreement. We've all been there.) Slow cooker meals sound like the way to go. Here's a link to more slow cooker recipes on VegWeb

Tonight is pizza night. My challenge is to get it on the table by 5:00pm so we're not late for swim team. Sounds easy enough until you factor in taking the girls to work at 3:00pm for a staff meeting, the school conference at 3:15 and picking the girls up from the staff meeting. I'd better get started now. Thankfully the dough was already made and is just defrosting/rising.

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