Wednesday, December 07, 2005

My Granola Recipe

Harmonia asked about it and I thought I'd post it here rather than hide it in the comments section. This recipe has evolved from an old Vegetarian Times recipe and the one in The Complete Tightwad Gazette. I've simplified it by eliminating every extra step possible.

Katie's Granola

In a large bowl combine:
5 cups rolled oats
1 cup shredded coconut
1 cup sunflower seed (walnuts or almonds work well also but sunflower seeds are the cheapest option)
1/4 flax seed meal or wheat germ

In a smaller glass microwavable bowl or in a small pot combine:
1/4 cup canola oil
1/4 cup molasses
3/4 cup sucanat or brown sugar

Heat these ingredients until the sugar melts. If you're using the microwave do it in no more than one minute increments and make sure you don't use a plastic container. On stove top, heat over low to medium heat until sugar melts. Either way, stir frequently. Pour melted mixture over rolled oat mixture. Then pour a bit of boiling water into whatever you used for the sugar mixture and whisk it around to get the residue off. Don't use more than a cup of water. Pour this over the oat mixture. Mix until everything is coated. Spread onto greased cookie sheet and place in 350 degree oven. Bake 15 minuted, stir mixture and return to oven for 15 more minutes. Let cool and enjoy.

If you like dried fruit add it when you serve the granola, don't bake it with the granola.

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