Maybe I've finally gone round the bend but yesterday it occured to me, as I finished the leftover Thai Noodles that Leenie had made, that all that leftover peanut sauce stuck to the side of the bowl was going to go to waste. Granted the waste would be pretty minimal, but still it was waste. (Leftover leftovers?)
As I pondered the best way to rescue this residue, while at the same time questioning my own sanity, I put up a kettle for tea. When the kettle boiled, I decided to pour some into the bowl (it was metal) and whisk it around to get the residue. The result was about a quart of really tasty broth which I used in last night's lima bean stew. I was so inpsired, I even tossed the rest of the cheeze sauce from the weekend into the stew, rinsed the bowl and threw that "broth" in as well.
Thinking back, it seems so logical. I always put a bit of water in the jelly jars and give a shake to get the last bit of sweetness. I usually toss it into pancakes or something similar. I do the same with ketchup, tomato sauce, salsa...come to think of it, I do it with just about every container. Why hadn't I thought of it with serving bowls before?
Well now I did and we're both smarter because of it! I guess it just takes plunging financial markets to get my thinking cap on correctly. One warning, your significant other may not be as inspired by your brilliant use of leftover leftovers, no matter how tasty the end product is. I knew my kids would be grossed out by my tale but I was unprepared for the grimace Jim made as he pleaded with me to say no more. Geez, I even waited until bedtime before I tried to share. It's okay, you can tell me about it. I'll still think you're brilliant. It will be our little secret!
Happy Weekend to All!
I think I felt the same mild insanity when I realized that when I finished my salad all the good (expensive) oil and vinegar was left in the bottom, so I poured it into a little container for my next salad.
I think I may have found another frugal vegan blogger!
I feel like I'm in a support group...Hi my name is Katie and I too have poured the leftover salad dressing into a container to use on tomorrows salad...
Oo can't wait to check the blog out.
What a good idea! Why the heck didn't I think of that? Do you have any idea how much goodness has gone down the sink?
Ah well... I will be using this tip, for sure!
I do the same thing with leftovers in jars and cans etc, but never thought of leftovers in bowls before! I like the idea of using it to flavor other things...maybe to replace the water when you make seitan?
I just wanted to share with you that the geniuses that brought us veganomicon (and so much more) have hosted a month long challenge to make and post about the food you eat. Its called MOFO (forgive me if you already know) you should check it out. Its a great reference for the future.. you should be in it!!
its on the post punk kitchen forum!!
a lurker no longer lurking!!
I'm glad you're lurking no more! I have been following the Vegan MOFO. I'm not sure why I haven't officially been a part of it. I meant to...
How can I prevent waste when making seitan from scratch with flour?
What can I do with all that leftover starch water?
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