Everyone is adjusting to school nicely. My lack of a full size oven has put a crimp in my cooking since I got back but I'm planning to remedy that problem tonight. Jim has promised to get it up and running tomorrow.
I'm adjusting to my increased hours at work now that everyone is back to school. I feel the temptation to get take out now that I'm coming home closer to dinner and tired to boot. I won't give in though. Its time to dust off my slow cooker and get creative. I'll be sharing my strategies for avoiding the convenience food take out trap.
No posts this weekend, there's still too much unpacking to do. My house looks like my minivan pulled up and vomitted our belongings into it.
I'm going through the same thing with the work schedule! I've been getting off work at 6 or 7, come home starving and not wanting to do more than 30 minutes of work, and we've been ending up going out a LOT or buying canned beans/convinence foods. Then I had a great idea! I made a list of 14 meals we love, the ingredients required for each, and the prep work needed to be done before I go to work (i.e. cook beans/ chop veggies/ make marinara sauce) for the past 3 days we've actually had frugal meals without a lot of hassell, and have eaten before 8 PM! I'm stoked. I also know what types of stuff I need to buy for the up coming week, since I know what my meals will be. Anyway, just my $0.02, that planning makes a WHOLE LOT of difference.
You are so right about planning.
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